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(image for) Sidetracked - Hollowed Out CS

Sidetracked - Hollowed Out CS

Tacoma Washington’s SIDETRACKED has been up and down the coasts, playing fests, putting out dozens of releases, and being an amazing fast hardcore...


(image for) Sidetracked - Hollowed Out LP (white vinyl)

Sidetracked - Hollowed Out LP (white vinyl)

Tacoma Washington’s SIDETRACKED has been up and down the coasts, playing fests, putting out dozens of releases, and being an amazing fast hardcore...


(image for) Spy - Habitual Offender LP (silver/gold)

Spy - Habitual Offender LP (silver/gold)

SPY’s Habitual Offender hits your head like the cracking sound that a bat makes. Six aggressive stomping dirges light up the night’s street and...


(image for) The Afternoon Gentlemen - Grind In The Mind 7"

The Afternoon Gentlemen - Grind In The Mind 7"

Three songs in seven minutes of booze-soaked grind-violence from Leeds, UK. This is the true NWOBPJPV (new wave of British power joogle pogger...


(image for) The Kill / White Eyes - split 5" (black vinyl)

The Kill / White Eyes - split 5" (black vinyl)

Germany's WHITE EYES deliver one jawdropping final display of insane blasting grindcore. The band has been performing grindcore like a...


(image for) TLALX - Ten Years Running A DIY Hardcore Punk Label Zine

TLALX - Ten Years Running A DIY Hardcore Punk Label Zine

TLALX is a sixty-two page retrospective of the ten plus years of existence of To Live A Lie Records. The zine, almost a mini book, is broken into a...


(image for) Torch Runner - Committed to the Ground CS

Torch Runner - Committed to the Ground CS

Twelve songs in 22 minutes. And two of the songs are a combined 9 minutes of play time. You do the math and this equals grind. Ferocious, venomous...


(image for) Ugly - Betrayal LP (gold vinyl)

Ugly - Betrayal LP (gold vinyl)

Generally people are attacked to very specific things, shiny things, objects of a familiar shape, items that generally give you the comfort that the...


(image for) XBRAINIAX - Deprogrammed CD+

XBRAINIAX - Deprogrammed CD+

Modern fastcore's blackest cult ascends once more from its knighted abyss to deliver thirty-one hymns of infernal savagery. Only for true devotees to...


(image for) XBRAINIAX - Deprogrammed CS (10 year anniversary edition)

XBRAINIAX - Deprogrammed CS (10 year anniversary edition)

Modern fastcore's blackest cult ascends once more from its knighted abyss to deliver thirty-one hymns of infernal savagery. Only for true devotees to...


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