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(image for) Fatal Nunchaku - Paving Stone Under The Beach CD

Fatal Nunchaku - Paving Stone Under The Beach CD

Crushing French fastcore/violence ala STIKKY


(image for) Holder's Scar - Sin Without Doubt 7" (black vinyl)

Holder's Scar - Sin Without Doubt 7" (black vinyl)

North Carolina when you think of hardcore and punk you may think of Corrosion of Conformity or even Double Negative but not much else. This state is...


(image for) Joy - No Light Below LP (black vinyl)

Joy - No Light Below LP (black vinyl)

Occasionally in life you run across something that tugs on your heart strings. You feel smitten and smile all the time and feel lifted from this...


(image for) Marxbros / Travolta - split LP

Marxbros / Travolta - split LP

MARXBROS are the (non)musical continuation of the Dutch legacy of Paul and Olav. This music picks right up where LÄRM and SEEIN' RED left off. For...


(image for) Mind As Prison - Maryland Grindcore 7"

Mind As Prison - Maryland Grindcore 7"

There is something powerful in the water in the area in and above our state's capital. That power has seeped out and created some mutant musicians...


(image for) Mindless - Planet of Pestilence 7" (black vinyl)

Mindless - Planet of Pestilence 7" (black vinyl)

MINDLESS has honed the best elements of sludge metal and merged them with blasting grindcore to create an evil slop of brutal pummeling mayhem....


(image for) MooM - Plague Infested Urban Dump Of The Future LP (black vinyl)

MooM - Plague Infested Urban Dump Of The Future LP (black vinyl)

Hailing from Tel Aviv, Israel, MooM wowed us with three sludgy distortion laiden hardcore EPs. MooM is back in 2024 with their very first LP - this...


(image for) MooM - Plague Infested Urban Dump Of The Future LP (red vinyl)

MooM - Plague Infested Urban Dump Of The Future LP (red vinyl)

Hailing from Tel Aviv, Israel, MooM wowed us with three sludgy distortion laden hardcore EPs. MooM is back in 2024 with their very first LP - this...


(image for) Nashgul / Malpractice Insurance - split 7" (orange vinyl)

Nashgul / Malpractice Insurance - split 7" (orange vinyl)

Nashgul is Spain's premiere old-school inspired grindcore maniacs. They have been on more than a decade-long journey to grind your mind and there is...


(image for) Needle - s/t 7"

Needle - s/t 7"

Remember being bullied in high school? You'd get angry, you'd go skateboarding, you'd snap your deck, you'd be even more angry. Imagine you focused...


(image for) Osk - Wretched Existence // Bleak Future : 2007-2010 CD

Osk - Wretched Existence // Bleak Future : 2007-2010 CD

Osk is an unrelenting grindcore force from Canada featuring members of MASS GRAVE. Seemingly lesser known than their crustier grindcore counterpart,...


(image for) Roskopp / Needful Things - split 7"

Roskopp / Needful Things - split 7"

This marks Roskopp’s 5th release. Surprisingly all of them are split seven inches. This sort of leaves a guy jonesing for a full length release...


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