625 Thrash

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(image for) Government Clean-up Plan - Reality Confusion 7" (black)

Government Clean-up Plan - Reality Confusion 7" (black)

GCP’s premier output. 7 Songs of pissed off, no-frills, blazing hardcore. Influenced by 80s pioneers and early aughts’ bandana-clad revivalists....


(image for) Grand Invincible - The Thrilling Sounds 7"

Grand Invincible - The Thrilling Sounds 7"

A rap record on 625? Sure. Grand Invincible was formed under the philosophy that hip-hop as an art form was best served under the technological...


(image for) Grim Statistic - Self Titled CS

Grim Statistic - Self Titled CS

GRIM STATISTIC is a new band with members having done time in both XBRAINIAX and COKE BUST and you can see influence of both. Hardcore punk with...


(image for) Harm - Con Safos LP (second press, blue vinyl)

Harm - Con Safos LP (second press, blue vinyl)

Holy shit – 18 songs of face shattering LA grindcore. HARM completes a lineage that traces its origin to early NAPALM DEATH and extends through...


(image for) Härm / Motify - split 7" (black vinyl)

Härm / Motify - split 7" (black vinyl)

A blistering barrage of transpacific grind! Los Angeles’ HÄRM drop 6 new songs of their EXCRUCIATING TERROR-style grind. Honest, brutal and raw;...


(image for) Immortal Fate - Beautiful LP [PREORDER]

Immortal Fate - Beautiful LP [PREORDER]

This extremely rare cult classic is back in print, over 30 years after it was recorded! 10 songs of absolutely punishing, low-tuned, guttural grind...


(image for) Infect - Complete Discography CD

Infect - Complete Discography CD

INFECT blasted onto the scene in the late 1990s, delivery a powerful mix of politically charged lyrics, and fast, energetic thrashcore. Part of a new...


(image for) Internal Rot - Grieving Birth LP (black vinyl)

Internal Rot - Grieving Birth LP (black vinyl)

Absolutely pulverizing grindcore as lethal as running a marathon in the open desert without any water. There are no tricks, no gimmicks, no pitch...


(image for) Iron Lung - Life. Iron Lung. Death. CD

Iron Lung - Life. Iron Lung. Death. CD

"I may have a million ways of saying brutal, but "Life. Iron Lung. Death." has left me damn near speechless. Anyone who reads this zine...


(image for) Iron Lung / Shank - split CD

Iron Lung / Shank - split CD

Big vault sale from 625. Long out of print item in stock for a limited time. These were touched by Max himself. These are unplayed but are older so...


(image for) Kissland - Debut 7"

Kissland - Debut 7"

KISSLAND you ask? Try kiss your ass goodbye after making it through just one side of the debut EP from Melbourne’s raging thrash addicts KISSLAND....


(image for) Kungfu Rick - Fragments Of The Past Time CD

Kungfu Rick - Fragments Of The Past Time CD

Two CDs worth of insane blasting, ear crushing midwest grinding fastcore. At the time, these guys were compared to MORSER and other German grind...


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