
A generic image

(image for) Abbreviated - Demo 2023 CS

Abbreviated - Demo 2023 CS

Skull-crushing powerviolence from British Columbia, similar in style to HEALER or early HATRED SURGE. Having played in bands including CON ARTIST,...


(image for) ACxDC - The Oracles Of Death CS

ACxDC - The Oracles Of Death CS

ACxDC have been spreading their satanic grindcore mass since 2003. The early releases were collected on fifty-two tracks discography picture disc....


(image for) ACxDC - The Oracles Of Death MD (MiniDisk)

ACxDC - The Oracles Of Death MD (MiniDisk)

ACxDC have been spreading their satanic grindcore mass since 2003. The early releases were collected on fifty-two tracks discography picture disc....


(image for) Amps For Christ / Bastard Noise - Split CS

Amps For Christ / Bastard Noise - Split CS

Bicolor (one side of tape is white/one is black) limited to /150. Two noise powerhouses come full force into symbiosis on one ferocious and...


(image for) Bad Human - Die Later EP CS

Bad Human - Die Later EP CS

PV from FL. Die Later E.P. by Bad Human


(image for) Basuko - Self Titled CS

Basuko - Self Titled CS

San Diego hc punk featuring members from HONG KONG FUCK YOU and INTERCOM. Get ready for the next big thing. Freak punk ala BIG ZIT. Basuko S/T by...


(image for) Blind Solution - Self Titled CS

Blind Solution - Self Titled CS

Fresh new band from Washington state featuring members of SIDETRACKED. Start and stop hardcore reminiscent of the newest generation of *violence ala...


(image for) Bruised Ego - Roman Numeral Number One CS

Bruised Ego - Roman Numeral Number One CS

Twenty two songs of faster than fast from Baltimore. I'll write a better description sometime. Tape pro-printed and limited to 75 copies. Exclusively...


(image for) Calques - Old Man CS

Calques - Old Man CS

Weave together noise, lo-fi black metal, and a smattering of grindcore blastbeats and you have Calques. This many-headed hydra of musicians hail from...


(image for) Campaña Del Terror - Atropello CS

Campaña Del Terror - Atropello CS

Nine songs of fast, pissed off, political Chilean thrash, recorded as a solo-project in 2020. Only one song clocks in over 1 minute, so you know this...


(image for) Caveman - Self Titled CS (second press)

Caveman - Self Titled CS (second press)

Long time homies of the homies in Spy and boy you're in for a treat. Five stomping hardcore tracks to soothe the soul. You're not going to want to...


(image for) Christ Violence - Demo CS

Christ Violence - Demo CS

One man industrial project recorded in the TLALHQ by Will Butler in one day in November. 25 black cassettes, 15 green tint, and 10 blue tint. Order...


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