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(image for) Deviant - Loading The Gun 7"

Deviant - Loading The Gun 7"

Queer hardcore punk from Richmond VA that pulls from late 2000's Richmond hardcore as much as it doesn 80's USHC. Sharing members with Nosebleed, Mad...


(image for) Rolex - Promo CS

Rolex - Promo CS

THEY'RE BACK! Rolex is back with a promo that returns with a vengeance. From an upcoming split LP with my other favorite LA band, Grimly Forming....


(image for) Yambag - Mindfuck Ultra LP

Yambag - Mindfuck Ultra LP

Is it fast core or just fast hardcore? I'm sure some other reviewer will figure it out for me. If you hated the other records you are going to hate...


(image for) Ztuped - Are You Stupid? 7"

Ztuped - Are You Stupid? 7"

ARE YOU STUPID? Get ready to find out! This DC group of young guns are taking the IQ lower than a limbo pole. Playing punk hardcore inspired by...


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