TLAL 2010 Fall/Winter Releases

This is the most exciting season for the label so far…

Out this Friday is the Sex Prisoner EP.  You have no idea how much this is going to tear apart your world. I did 1000 of these because I really think it is an amazing record that I think everyone should own. Plus it has silver ink on the covers so it looks damn pretty.  Listen to their MP3 on

On its tail is a huge surprise… I’m proud to say that I have the honor of dealing with one of my favorite bands and I’ll be doing a live 10″ for Assholeparade.  Shoked? I know I am too. This is the first announcement of this news too.

After that I’ll finally be pulling together the slightly secret TLAL 7″ comp. I haven’t announced who will be on this release yet, but once I do.. you’ll be shocked. Hell.. I’ll tell you one band to get you excited, FUBAR has an exclusive track. This will be a killer grind comp.

Then there will be Magnum Force’s Self-Loathing 7″. Head-ripping grindviolence. I’ve heard the unmastered version of this record and they give Magrudergrind a run for their money. Something special about Arizona bands who do an amazing demo and then an even more amazing first record. New song on their Myspace page.

Mehkago N.T. will be releasing their first full full length on TLAL, entitled Massive Fucking Headwound. Really really raw versions of three of the ten tracks are available on their Myspace page.

Last is the much anticipated xBrainiax – Deprogrammed CD.  A masterblasterpiece in the making, complete with a huge amount of enhanced material on the disc. I know I’m bad at describing things at this point but I mean you know xBrainiax. Again, find some new songs on the band’s Myspace page.

What is running low from summer:

  • 40x – V/A – To Live A Lie Records 2010 Sampler CD
  • 10x – Get Destroyed! – Burnt Offering 7″
  • 25x – Thieves – Positive Vibrations 7″
  • 10x red copies, plenty of black – Sick/Tired – Highlife LP
  • 10x glow in the dark, 30x black – Conga Fury / Shitstorm – split 7″
  • 30x copies  – Disciples Of Christ – Demo 7″



This entry was written by Will , posted on Monday October 04 2010at 11:10 pm , filed under News and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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