TLAL In And Out Of Hiding

First off, if you’re ever upset that you can’t get my releases directly from me, these fine folks will help you out:
Ebullition – can get in your local shop or distro
Interpunk – I always send 99% of my releases here
Rev HQ – Carries select titles
No Idea – has some backstock of jams

So as you all know I’ve been busy at work on the Walsby’s Manchild #6 (updated colorized art) book. That is getting close to production! Edited, layouts by, colorized cover, and funded by myself!

Another FYI, I tend to post to the Facebook page the most out of anything. So for way too much info, go there. Also check out this interview I did for the Dutch M3.

So to preserve my sanity, I plan to take a year long hiatus after the completion of TLAL100 from putting out new records. This will not inhibit my distro or selling current jams and will not be a permanent stop from my label, just will be a way to come back focused and will hopefully have one less room filled wall to wall with records. I do NOT plan on stopping.

Last I will leave you with this. With the eminent pause in releases and my fears of how the RIAA is going to have ISPs policing downloads, I have gone semi-crazy in putting up all my past releases on Bandcamp (also check the net-label). Streaming at first until I can get them up for free for download. I’m adding new jams as fast as I can, here are some notable new additions:



This entry was written by Will , posted on Thursday April 26 2012at 11:04 pm , filed under MP3s, News . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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