To Live A Lie – Volume I Comp 7″ – band annoncement

Kept this on the sneak for long enough…



This entry was written by Will , posted on Monday April 11 2011at 08:04 am , filed under News, Videos . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

2 Responses to “To Live A Lie – Volume I Comp 7″ – band annoncement”

  • Keith P says:

    Sign me up for one.

  • Cheese wheel says:

    Its good that Magrudy is on here, especially with all of that scion attention. I’m sure that they realize-as well as those who frequent this site-that TLAL is a great up and coming label that really gives the kids with a shitty music scene some kind of stimulant. I praise you Will.

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