Fastcore Photos Book

Many of you are still bothered by the webstore still being down, but trust me, anytime it is down it is for a worthy cause. I am compiling a book of my photos, OG photos, reviews, and band interviews for a Fastcore Photos collection book. It is up to +100 bands in more than 128 pages. There will be a limited edition of the book that will also come with a DVD.

I have been working hard everyday for a month to get to this point where I feel I feel like I have a working draft, so I’d expect to hopefully have this submitted to my publisher in another month.

This is crazy and super exciting and more will be revealed as it is known!



This entry was written by Will , posted on Friday August 03 2012at 04:08 pm , filed under News, Photos and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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