2013 Represses

Sex Prisoner – s/t EP

Third and final pressing of 500 of this monstrous beast of an 7″. After these are gone, tough luck. I have a few blue copies left.

ACxDC / Magnum Force / Sex Prisoner – split 10″

A few pressing plant delays, but for good reason. I asked the plant to do something they couldn’t easily do, and it came out amazing. 150 copies on splatter vinyl with no b-side labels really make the etched b-side pop. 250 on white vinyl. You were jealous of your friend for getting a copy of this when the first pressing sold out, now you is your chance to get a copy. Not expected to last long as the first pressing of 600 sold in two weeks. Limited shirts available too!

Coming soon: Curmudgeon – s/t EP repress

200 gray vinyl repressed for their December tour. Available soon.



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